The students of St. Hedwig School have been focusing on the character virtue of gratitude during the month of November. As we have gathered each morning to begin our day in prayer, we have been reminded of God’s abundant blessings to all of us. It can be as simple as a beautiful, fresh morning or the excitement of an event that we are all going to enjoy. It is important that we remember that so many people are helping us. We have prayed for our teachers who spend many hours planning lessons, grading papers and caring for us. We have prayed for our parents and grandparents who offer us unending support. They bring us lunches and forgotten assignments. We are reminded that they do all of this because they love us. We have prayed for our school secretary. We recall that she always has an extra lunch ticket, Band-Aid, piece of candy and a ready word of encouragement.
To remember God’s infinite blessings and to know His provident care will make us better people. In showing our gratitude, we can become people of service and share in making the world a better place. Next month, we will be focusing on a new virtue. When we put all these together in practice, we will truly make a difference in the world.