8th Grade Retreat

Recently, our eighth grade class went on a field trip to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Retreat Center. There, the sisters taught us about the Holy Trinity, and how God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit are equal, and that they have equal strength and love for us. We also learned that when God looks at us, all He sees is perfection, and not our flaws. The sisters also set apart a time of prayer and meditation for us. We were able to sit in the Church and talk to God, and thank Him for all he has done for us. After lunch, our priest, Father Chris, led a very peaceful Mass for us in the Church, where we got to sing the songs we had learned throughout the day. Before we left, we also made a craft where we got to glue a prayer to say everyday onto a ladder. Overall, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Retreat Center was a lovely experience, and we are all grateful to the sisters for making our last trip to the center so enjoyable.

Olivia Castanon